Vehicle Price : (No. #B23003)
FOB (US$) Sold out
Cost for receiving in MI : ASK
Make | Toyota | Mileage(approx) | 76,900 miles |
Name | Supra | CC | 2000cc |
Model | GA70H | Fuel | gas |
Grade | 2.0GT standard body | Door | 3 |
Body type | coupe | Seat | 5 |
Color | Black | Transmission | 5-MT |
Year/Month | 1991 | Drive | 2WD |
Port | YOKOHAMA | M3 | – |
Engine | 1G-GTEU | ||
Accident | Yes | ||
power steering | Yes | ABS | No |
Cruise control | No | Airbag | No |
**This car was serviced as you can see the photo and will ship from the dealer
**Uniglobe arts shall not be responsible for any loss, damages and troubles caused by this information.
**You need to look up the Import Regulation of your country for this vehicle.